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Award & Recognition

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Project Date: 
Thursday, 1 March 2018
Project Type: 
Fostering fellowship of Club Members & Families
Project Status: 
Project Description: 

The Club will introduce an Award & Recognition Program for the outstanding achievements of the members, spouses and children. A separate sub-committee is formed by EC to recommend the award/recognition. However, the EC will make the final decision.

Guidelines for Award & Recognition of BUET89

Name of the Award:

Outstanding BUET89er Award


The purpose of the ‘Outstanding BUET89er Award’ is to recognize the BUET89ers and their families who have made significant contributions to society.


Awards & Recognitions are to be accorded mainly to the BUET89ers (those who are eligible to become BUET89 Club members). However, in certain special circumstances, the Club may decide to accord awards & recognitions to outside of BUET89.

Award & Recognition Committee:

An Award & Recognition Committee (ARC), comprising 5 (five) members, will be formed by BUET89 Executive Committee (EC) with members from BUET89, including at least two member from the EC of the Club. One of the EC members in the ARC will be the Coordinator, and will be responsible to the EC. The tenure of the Award & Recognition Committee will be same as the tenure of the Executive Committee (EC).

Selection Process for Award & Recognition:

Following steps are to be followed in the selecting process:

  1. The ARC will collect the credentials of the distinguished personalities of BUET89 for award & recognition from various sources.
  2. After thorough assessment in line with the Selection Criteria, the ARC will place recommended nominations to the EC.
  3. The EC will make the final decision.

Selection Criteria for Award & Recognition:

  1. Recognition should be for achievements of an exceptional nature in one or more field, vocational or voluntary, covering an entire career.
  2. Recognition should not be given for a single achievement. It should be for those who have attained and maintained extremely high stations in their chosen fields of endeavor and in their service to society.
  3. The selection of the nominee should consider, but not limited to, the followings:
    • Whether there has been impact locally, nationally or internationally on the profession and/or community in which the nominee has been active.
    • Whether the achievements have attained widespread recognition and respect.
    • Whether the achievements have been truly extraordinary & difficult?
    • Whether the achievements as an individual or as part of a group or organization? Individual achievements should get higher consideration.
  4. For the sake of neutrality, the Executive Committee members should not be considered for ‘Outstanding BUET89 Award’.

Project Registration

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