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The Companies Act, 1994







The Companies Act, 1994



A SHARE CAPITAL under dection 29

Memorandum of Association




  1. The name of the Company is “BUET89 CLUB LIMITED”.
  2. The Registered Office of the Company will be situated in Bangladesh.
  3. The Objects for which the Company is established are all or any of the following (All the object will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission from the Government/concerned authority/competent authority before commencement of business):-

1. To create, promote spirit of fellowship/friendly co-operation among the former students of Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) who meet any of the following criteria: (i) started his/her university lives in 1984, (ii) graduated in 1989 from any of the following Departments – Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering and Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, (iii) graduated from BUET in 1991 from Architecture; for mutual benefit through social & economic activities & to encourage friendly feelings and unanimity among them to their common welfare.

2. To maintain a sense of brotherhood, co-operation, mutual harmony, love and affection amongst the former classmates.

3. To establish, maintain and conduct a BUET89 Club for the accommodation of the Members of the Club and their families and friends with all privileges, advantages, conveniences and accommodation of a social, sports and literary club.

4. To create websites for fostering the purpose of the club, and to make use of internet, telecommunications, data communications, information advancements and other technological advancements and tools.

5. To organize seminar on social, cultural, educational & economical issues to uplift social harmony.

6. To open found, establish, promote, set-up, run, maintain, support and/or help the various community development programs/activities and also contract and develop Community Halls, Libraries and other buildings for the use and welfare of the Members & General Public.

7. To take up effective, reasonable and lawful steps for the eradications of social evils; such as use of intoxicated drugs, child pornography, child marriage, child labour

8. To take up effective, reasonable and lawful steps for the solution of problems related to member of the Club and their families, including helping them monetarily.

9. To provide a common place for meeting of members of the club and their families for the purpose of recreation, discussion on common problem, advancement of social welfare ideas mutual assistance of the members of the Club.

10. To present awards for outstanding work in the fields of Engineering, Architecture, Science, Art, Literature, Law, Social Service and other areas.

11. To help the needy/poor students of all community for the progress of their studies in the fields of Engineering, Architecture, Science, Art, Literature, Law, Social Service and other areas, and to raise or borrow money for the purpose.

12. To strive by all legitimate ways and means to secure the cultural social and economical welfare of the Members and their families of the Club, and also of the society and community as a whole.

13. To erect, maintain, improve, pull down, demolish or alter any buildings and grounds, which are held on lease to the terms of such lease.

14. To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire, acquire absolutely or otherwise any movable and immovable property, right, privileges, concession and easements and in particular any lands, buildings, furniture, club and household effects, utensils, books, newspapers, periodicals, musical and other fittings, news-appliances, conveniences, accommodations and effects as may be necessary, or expedient.

15. To improve, manage, develop and prepare lands for playing tennis, football, cricket, golf, hockey, basketball, squash, athletics & sports, billiard, rowing, health club, table tennis, golf, cards, chess and other indoor and outdoor games of all and every description and to construct all such buildings, stands, appliances arrangements, fixtures and effects required for the same whether of a permanent, semi permanent or temporary nature, which may directly or indirectly be conducive to the Club objects.

16. To borrow or raise money for the purpose of the club in such manner as the Club shall think fit and for the purpose of securing the same to mortgage or charge the undertaking of all or any of the property of the Club, present or future, and in particular by the perpetual or charged upon all or any of the property and furniture of the Club.

17. To make, accept, endorse execute and issue promissory notes, bills of exchange and other negotiable or transferable instruments.

18. To enter into any arrangements with any authorities, municipal, local or others, Club, syndicate, trust, firm, person or communities that may seem conducive to the Club object or any of them and to obtain or acquire such rights, privileges, concessions which the Club may think desirable and to carry out, exercise and comply with any such rights, concessions and privileges.

19. To do all such other things as are incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objects.

IV.         The income and property of the Club, howsoever, derived legally, shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Club as set forth in this Memorandum of the Club and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly, by way of dividend or bonus or otherwise by way of profit to the persons who at any time are or have been Members of the Club or to any of them or to any person claiming through any of them.

Provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent in good faith of remuneration to any officer or employee of the Club or any member thereof or to any other person in return for any service actually rendered to the Club or the payment of interest on money borrowed from any member of the Club.

V. The liability of the members is limited.

VI.         Every member of the company undertake to contribute to the assets of the Club in the event of its being wound up while he is a member or within one year afterwards, for payment of the debts and liabilities of the Club contracted before he ceases to be a member, and the costs, charges and expenses of winding up and for the adjustment of the right of the contributories among themselves, such amount as may be required not exceeding five hundred taka.

We, the several persons, whose names, addresses and descriptions are subscribed below, are desirous of being formed into a Club in pursuance of this Memorandum of Association.

Sl #

Names of Subscribers

Addresses, nationality and descriptions of

Signatures of






Md Ziaul Hasan Khan

47/8 Indira Road,



DoB. 20 June 1966

Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh



S/O. Md Meser Ali Khan

Occupation: Business



Jobair Bin Alam

70/2 Indira Road,



DoB. 10 December 1965

Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh



S/O. Shafiqul Alam

Occupation: Teaching (BUET)



Mahmud Hossain

138 Crescent Road, Kathalbagan,



DoB: 29 August 1964

Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh



S/O Torab Hossain

Occupation: Private Service



Md Ashrafuddin

House: 11, Avenue: 2, Block D, Section: 2,



DoB. 21 Jul 1965

Mirpur, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh



S/O. Late Md Nuruddin

Occupation: Business



Syed Zakir Hussain

220 South Pirerbagh, Mirpur,



DoB. 14 Oct 1966

Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh



S/O. Late Syed Anowar Hussain

Occupation: Engineering Service



Mosfiq us Salaheen

G.P.GA-24, Mohakhali,



DoB. 13 Apr.1965

Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh



S/O Zaker Ahmed

Occupation: Business



Md Nurul Alam

Vill. Hasanpur, PO. Ulania



DoB. 01 Dec 1965

Mehendiganj, Barishal, Bangladesh



S/O. Late Abu Baker Siddique

Occupation: Private Service



Mir Manzurur Rahman

Mira Bari, Vill: Chotto Gourichanna



DoB. 09 Sep 1966

Upzilla: Barguna Sadar; Zilla: Barguna



S/O. Late Mir Enayet Hossain

Occupation: Govt Service



Md. Ishtiaque Zahir

36 Indira Road,



DoB. 20 Aug 1965

Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh



S/O.Abdus Zahir

Occupation: Business



Khawja Masum Billah

Flat   A7,   House   27,   Road   12/A,



DoB. 08 Feb 1967

Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh



S/O.Khawja Baqui Billah

Occupation: Private Service



Mohammad Ali Biswas

Road 6A, House 70/1, Prantic, Flat – B,



DoB. 31 July 1964

Dhanmondi, Bangladesh



S/O. Moakammal Hussain Biswas

Occupation: Service (Autonomous)



Kazi Kamruzzaman

Vill.   Goalbathan,   PO.   Bagsrirampur,



DoB. 18 December 1965

PS/Dist. Narail, Bangladesh



S/O. Late Kazi Habibar Rahman

Occupation: Private Service



Md. Shafiur Rahman

Flat: A3, Sunnydale



DoB.21 March 1966

House 13, Road 9, Gulshan 1,



S/O. Mayeenuddin Ahmed

Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh




Occupation: Business




Shah Mortoza Kamal

House16,  Road  5,  Block  C,  Mirpur  2,



DoB. 20 March 1966

Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh



S/O. Shah Ashraf Uddin Ahmed

Occupation: Private Service



Md Mamunur Rashid

B B Girls School Road, Akur Takur Para,



DoB. 24 Sep 1965

Tangail-1900, Bangladesh



S/O. Late Abdul Bari

Occupation: Private Service



Md Jahangir Kabir

663/1 Shaheenbagh, Tejgaon,



DoB. 16 Aug 1966

Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh



S/O. Alhaj Md Abdul Hamid Miah

Occupation: Govt Service







Md Aminul Islam

B-15/D-8 Agargaon Taltola Govt Officers’



DoB. 01 Oct 1966

Quarters, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar,



S/O. Shafi Uddin Ahmed

Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh




Occupation: Govt. Service



Abed Wahid Chowdhury

37, Jallar Par



DoB. 31 Dec. 1965

Sylhet-3100, Bangladesh



S/O. Abdul Wahid Chowdhury

Occupation: Private Service



Syed Ishteaq Hossain

D3,  House  13/1,  Road  1,  Dhanmondi,



DoB. 24 April 1966

Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh



S/O. Syed Makbul Hossain

Occupation: Business



Md Shafiul Alam Talukder

5, Suharawardy Avenue, Baridhara,



DoB. 11 dec 1965

Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh



S/O. Dr S A Talukder

Occupation: Business of........................................................................2008


Names, addresses and signatures of witnesses attesting the above signatures


  1. Dated............................


  1. Dated...........................



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